Global Vision for Innovation
GVI is your bridge to global innovation success stories!
Our target is to support various types of innovation approaches with their relevant stakeholders on their journey. We believe that innovation is a teamwork and GVI philosophy is to support innovation teams to bring their best potential to be in action in their respective business.
We believe in GVI that having a good theory is a great start but never enough. You need to combine theory and practice and then perfectly execute it. Only then you will have a chance to be successful.
Based on GVI’s process and professionalism, we increase the success rate of the innovation teams by addressing typical pitfalls in time and solving them together. We also help them to focus on the critical pillars of the business model innovation and execution of this innovative model in real life.
Corporate Innovation
Corporate innovation is difficult by nature because it requires maintaining the core business and innovating in new areas at the same time where the needs and processes to follow for both contradict with each other. Our extensive real-life experience on top of systematic approach helps corporate innovation teams to reach success easier than they would do it alone!
Startup Innovation
Startups have many topics to focus on and solve at the same time with very restricted resources. We help startups in creating value for their customers with the right business model in the right market. We provide mentoring and advisory supports to startups especially in business models,
business building, go to market and financial plans. We support them in finding different types of international grants as well as participating in various Horizon Europe projects.
Open Innovation
Open innovation is the most fruitful approach if it is done properly which is very difficult because it requires many stakeholders with completely different type of structures and expectations and processes to work together seamlessly. Our proven methods with more than 20 years with extensive international network helps to overcome these challenges in a better way and make it possible to have successful innovation cases with expected results are reached and win-win for all stakeholders.
Circular Transformation
We help transforming your business to be a circular one to comply with sustainability and carbon footprint regulations with your proven method.

Extensive consulting services for your corporate innovation teams either on existing programs to improve them in their weak points or designing them from ground up.

Our international network with proven methodology and a very strong global network provides alternative approaches for different needs to have open innovation success stories.
Get in touch
We like helping people and we are friendly. Please contact us!
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